Scratch my Idea, I first stepped into this blog to try to understand how to become an Alpha Male, being able to understand woman, muscle bound with a better career . I now know that that is not what I was looking for, it is becoming a better man in general and to age better than my siblings but I had to notice my faults and actually try to create a new life or better life and now I know my goals. People tell each other you have to have goals in order to make your own expectations and know I have my goals I think this would sound a little better. "I love attention" is what I say all the time but the problem is the attention I was looking for was a negative one where I would be passive and complain and create Excuses for why I failed at something without even trying. I think it stemmed from having a childhood that was less than average if there is an average. I really didnt have much of a mentor or father figure so I am learning this on my own.
The whole working out part worked in more than just being healthy, it creates more ideas than I thought. My endorphins are running wild and confidence is better than ever, but with confidence that puts you at another level you have to maintain it. For some reason other males decide to challenge your new found acceptance as if they know if your faking. I was challenged more than one time about my confidence and that is why I need goals and practice these new found talents because my confidence was shot the first time someone stepped to me. The woman noticed the new confidence as well and I was very happy for that. Girls actually staring at me and having woman talk to me was something I have not had that in awhile so lets see what the new week brings?
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