As I stand in the outskirts of the bar looking around I notice the cliques and people that are enjoying each other. As I look around I see beautiful women all over the place and the glances that they are giving me. I start to have a giant smile having loads of confidence I tend to relax a tad in my plaid shorts as I feel at ease with all of the surroundings. Even if the girls were not staring at me directly or just glancing for their attention I still felt as if the energy that I felt created a positive awareness!! This was giving me a natural high as I have not felt this in awhile; can we use this for our own advantage to have the confidence? That night I felt as if I was ten feet in the air even though I was only a tiny 5’ 7”.
So this is something I use in generality to create a positive outlook on myself. I believe that women in general use glances to create a self persona on what they think people think of them. I also use this towards my advantage because it creates awareness that I am good enough for the opposite sex. I don’t think, I know that I could be in basic knowledge that the women here I can have but just don’t have the balls to talk to them. I warm up by allowing the energy of sensuality envolope me as if I was reaping natural energy from a known source. It’s all in the head; you create a fear of the outcomes of what you do and the scenarios that can develop from it. One thing I know is the answer is no if you don't ask, taking chances is all you have.
Creating a positive awareness about yourself can almost guarantee a better night for you and possibly your friends. You see even though we don’t know this we give off energy non-verbally but by looks and glances, try to realize it next time someone gives you a look and remember how you feel. The thought patterns that you create is from another source which you can presume has to be energy. What I try to teach is to envelope a thought pattern to use in the process’s in which you can utilize as a tool instead of resorting to the alternate which is alcohol where you cannot have the ability to communicate with the opposite sex.