Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Fever!!

It is upon us the spring has hit and now all I see is dresses and skirts. Get excited over this because this is the time of love, pools, BBQ’s and patios. Well if you are not excited that means you are not truly ready and need a little bit of encouragement. Maybe you need to adjust your look, work out, or change your wardrobe. Let’s look at this in perspective if you have not been excited about the spring that means you truly have not enjoyed the true feeling of warmer weather as a single male dude on the hunt for the ultimate feeling. With low self esteem and decreasing male libido means only one thing: you need to change up your game and experience.

I love spring because of the women and the more things you can do. Skin and warm weather is just exciting to me but let’s look at a couple of things to do if your game is not cutting it:

  • Weight- well now that the winter is done that means you can lose the extra five to ten pounds you put on in hibernation.
    • Run for at least 30-45 minutes every other day
    • Change up your diet to have high protein and low carbohydrates; also you do need to do some calorie counting. Try this link and remember that the more calories you burn and the less intake = weight loss
    • Muscle resistance is always my favorite but always use your brain on this one. You need to have a plan on what you do and try not to overwork your muscles. EX:  5 minute warm up, 30 minute muscle group (chest, back, shoulders, or legs) 15 minutes secondary muscles (Triceps, Biceps, or core) then do 10-15 minutes if cardio. Take it from this guy
    • Resist temptations-remember that food is a necessity not a privilege. What this means is that you don’t have to eat at McDonald’s so think healthy.
  • Change up wardrobe- This is very essential if you are still wearing the same gear from winter. You will need to put away the sweaters and break out the shorts and plaid shoes. T-shirts that will accentuate the newly developed muscles, perhaps a v-neck.
  • Get some color- I am not saying go to the tanning bed every day but you need to maybe go outside and get the skin a little refreshed with the UV rays that also give out Vitamin- D. Remember to much of something is bad for you and most things are good in moderation.
  • Enjoy the outdoors- get outside and do something like hiking, rock climbing or something that will get your blood pumping.
  • Enjoy a patio- there is nothing better than just sitting outside on your own, a buddies or a bar patio but enjoy it because it feels so good to enjoy some suds in warm weather.
  • Be single- now this is only for the single dudes but enjoy the women in your life and if you don’t have some get some. Read my other blogs on how to meet women and just get out there because I love the skin and you should to.

So now that we have discussed what to do for the spring we need to boldly go where you have not done before. No holding back and be strong on your values, don’t party too hard and enjoy other things besides just the bar and booze. Enjoy life as it brings fullness and new things to your life.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Words of encouragement

Think about what you have done in your life!! Think about all the things you want to accomplish and have not!! How does the taste saturate in you mouth? Never good when you can think of things that you have yet not accomplished and will not. These are the things we have in our subconscious that keep us awake at night. These regrets and promises we made to ourselves are the only thing we think about when life does not go our way!! Life takes concentration people. Life is a concurrent of what is expected of us and how we develop into the people we are today.

Are you who you thought you would become? In most cases probably not, things got in the way or things just did not work out. Most people have this thought process and it is incorrect to a standard of people who always fought to better themselves. We are talking the top dogs people, the men and women we see in the movies and on TV. These people have known that they can better themselves and improved themselves daily. We need to concentrate and focus on what we want out of life not what we are giving to it. If you have ever heard of, “you have to love yourself before you can love someone else” use that to insure the consistence of what you want out of life.