Sunday, May 15, 2011

I am a Realist…

Thinking back at my life I never would have thought I would be here! In a place where I have so many decisions to make and it will not only affect me but everyone around me. I continue to drum the fingers on the table as I think of the words to come to mind and putting it down on paper. The words correlating with one another as if they were smeared on there like peanut butter, words looking more like pictures. I continue to get mental fatigue, running out of words and even breathe saying them over and over.

The realization that I did take on a project so big that there should be more clones of me I continue to reinvent words to continue the pages. My one thought is are people going to read this, are they going to utilize the information or are they going laugh at what it says. A book on how to take a passive male modern and turn them into a womanizing self centered fool is hitting the back of my head like the dribble of a basketball. I continue to write because I am ten pages in and knew that if I quit I am not only quitting on me but everyone around me. Failure is not an option at this time and realizing that I am not creating a monster but helping people develop a better them, I continue to write. Realizations are one of my strong points because my personality is more of the intellectual type where I sit back and observe. I am not only the beast but the gentleman in my own right taking control of what I do have control over.

I am a realist and that is what I can say for myself. “I think therefore I am right?” the proud owner of my own beliefs. I am going to cut the red tape of marketing genius and come straight forward; the belief of any man getting a woman is false in its own pretext. Don’t judge me before I explain myself in the next couple of paragraphs.

This is only a realist Idea because I believe in being able to get over hurdles in your life but you have to believe in changing for the better and keeping your word on the decision you make! I don’t believe that someone else can help you, religion only gives you strength but praying won’t get you the girl of your dreams or the job you applied for. Like I said I am a realist and knowing that I am in control of ME!! Control is an illusion only if you don’t believe in self sacrifice.
Let’s try three basic practices that will help

Mind confusion! - Many people ask me what this is and I will tell you it is my own little non self control. You see your mind produces habits to reduce stress using your memory glands right? What we need to do is change your behavioral habits before you can think differently about certain aspects in your life. Try little things such as driving a different way to work or even setting the time on the alarm clock for 10 minutes earlier. This creates I believe “Mind Confusion”. A process in which you will be reversing your outlook on what you do everyday. Try to do small things because it may just allow you to stop doing your day to day and energize your life!!

Being healthy- I will always stay healthy and it might even be my behavioral habit but there is some that are healthy to have. Letting yourself go is like sabotaging your own life a donut at a time. Get out and run not only for health but your self esteem, Depression affects 1 out of 4 right? Cardio and muscle resistance will pump happy thoughts in your head giving you a better image of yourself and of course like I said if you value yourself high the women will to!!

Quality over quantity – Now this is an argument I got into with my friend, he was telling me that it is a number game, he was under the assumption that if he talked to as many women as he could he would eventually get one that said yes. I on the other hand had a different approach on the whole concept. Approaching women is easy when they are not the object of your desire and what I mean by that is approaching any women is easy if they are not fully what you want right? You are at ease because you are already looking for the next girl because of your refection rate. We need to stop this mannerism because it does not go well with you in the morning after. Now I am not saying that the any girl is not quality but what I am saying is if you are not going after the women that fully intrigues you then you will never be truly happy about yourself. I go for women that I know I can be physically and mentally stimulated by “the basics” of attraction. I need to stress this even more “don’t go for any chick, go for the one that you wont mistreat because she was the one that said yes” you will not be happy with the relationship if that is the case.

Value over Value- this is also going hand in hand with the paragraph before. You need to understand the basic knowledge of you. If you are gunning for a woman who is perfect physically and mentally then you need to bring it hard! She works out and takes 2 hours getting ready to look that good but the question is “do you” and I am not saying you really have to but take care of yourself, if you are going for those girls you need to be at their level, healthy, well dressed and groomed and stimulating through jokes or intellectual talk. You need to choose women that fit your needs not just general needs!!

This article will start a phase of articles that will bring you closer to becoming the man you need to be and continue growing as an active patron of your own success!!

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