Sunday, January 9, 2011

Be a better man 2011: Fitness “The basics” so you don’t look like a dummy

So you have decided to take the plunge with the New Year and lose that tire. Well if you have and never been in a gym do I have the cure all for you!  Some people think they can just step inside with an IPod and a dream. That is wrong to think and even worse if you are clueless about weight training and Cardio. So here are some things to remember and never forget! EVER!

Tip #1 - Wear proper attire!

Yes appropriate attire and I am not saying it has to be fashionable. It has to fit with a snug pinch to it because having very loose clothes can inhibit your workout. Appropriate shoes are a big must, reviewing and trying on gym shoes are a must. Don’t wear clothes that make you look like a “douche” because nobody likes that guy.

Tip #2- basic workouts!

So I am not saying you can be a body builder in a month but if you don’t follow certain things you will not see results:

·        Remember to warm up then stretch.
·        Do muscle resistance workouts first -certain studies show that if you muscle train first you can target fat burn when doing cardio after.
·        Always have a protein shake 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after- this helps you retain muscle and burn the fat.
·        Do research on workouts- usually doing the same exercise together I.E. Chest and Triceps, Back and biceps and so on.
·        Do Cardio- I do fun cardio like basketball, the only way I would do the treadmill if they were behind the stair stepper!! Get it? Woman and stair steppers! Hahaha I am so funny.

Tip# 3 – Change your GRUB

Common sense is what you should be using. Changing your diet and using common sense can go a long way:

·        Caloric intake summary- more calories than your resting metabolic rate = you get fatter, less calories than your resting metabolic rate =you get skinnier.
·        Eat well balanced meals- if you are trying to build muscle include a lot of proteins like chicken, steak and fish.
·        Always eat breakfast- it helps your body maintain energy and metabolism all day.
·        Think before you eat- you know what healthy is so don’t make excuses when stopping by the local McDonalds
·        Drink plenty of water- Statically speaking in a recent article in “Men’s Health Magazine” they stated that people’s body sometimes mistaken being thirsty as being hungry.

This is not even half of what you need to know when you step into the gym. To sum it up wearing the proper attire will only benefit your workout. Always warm up before you hit it hard, this can only benefit you. Changing up your diet will give you a boost of energy, think before you eat.

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