It is three o’clock and I am wide awake. The only thing on was infomercials about how to lose weight and build muscle. The person talking, a tanned hyped version of Arnold yelling at me on ways to improve and lose the extra weight. Being a skeptic that I am I quickly turn to another channel but still another weight loss program ready to yell at me. Continually over and over again as I switch one thousand channels I get on a station playing a movie as I start to finally dose off. Dreaming of the infomercials because of the memory lag in my mind I start thinking on how people overspend on these expensive products that people soon pawn off to friends because they have no motivation for it.
Now I am not saying that this stuff works because it does as long as you have self discipline for it. Diet fads and other retrospective “Weight loss” products have some potential and even supportive reasoning behind it but what I am purposing is self motivation. When I was in High School I had a best friend who was overly obese but one of those funny ones, you know what I am talking about. He was a guy who was always downing himself because he also was short and not a lot of self esteem. At the beginning of my senior year he came back from the summer and I did not even recognize him. He lost over 50 pounds that summer and I didn’t understand how or why.
From this day I am still amazed on how his transformation gave me some inspiration to do things in my life. With all of the aspects in my life I have always lived through everyone else’s success and I love them for it. Determination is you telling yourself to get back up after falling a million and one time, and you keep doing that even though you are failing miserably. Expensive gyms, CD’s, personal trainer’s and Diet supplements are all there for your use but you have to remember nothing is ever easy as I learned throughout my years of failing, I just pick my self up again. These products work and they will always work, you just need some self discipline. You need to stop that self sabotage that I have experienced a thousand times and go for your goals.
There are many ways to lose the extra weight but you had to think logically and self discipline:
- Have a plan-you can’t just wing it when you are trying to discipline. Try to make your lunches and leave your money at home. You will have to plan what you will eat at what breaks.
- Create goals- per week write down your goals and what you want to accomplish. By the end of the week you should be one more step to being thinner.
- Use the products for the benefit- If you do try the DVD’s or even the diet pills “fat burners” you have to have the goal of accomplishing it with a diet because if you don’t you wont lose you actually may come out gaining weight.
In essence learn from the experts, if you are going to buy these products don’t just do it half a*& you need to create goals and stick to them!!
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