Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reinvent yourself

As the days become shorter you start to realize that you are letting time pass you by. A middle aged man that has been drinking his 20’s away you wake up and realize you are not where you want to be. I can tell you that everyone puts them in the position of where they want to be and nothing is by chance or luck. Do you think you would win the lottery if you have never played it ( putting yourself in the pool). The answer is no, luck has nothing to do with lottery just putting yourself in the pool of others who would like to win.
The same thing you can say about life, life is a pool of winners and losers, if you are not winning you are losing and nothing can put you where you want to be besides you. Motivation is key in the game of everything, but you have to have a strategy before you enter into the game of life. Goals are great when you tell someone or you tell yourself you will do whatever you want to do but what happens, your goals diminish after a couple of hours because you don’t prepare. Many people in life prepare for what they want to become from a basketball player who has to practice to hit the difficult shots to the stock broker who studies the charts every minute of every day to the doctor who has to go to school for 8 years plus.
If you believe that people are just found for their talent you are surely kidding yourself. Many of the actors like Kevin Spacey and other greats stood behind the amazing stars before they got a chance. You need to make a goal and a chance to be great, a chance to show the world what you are capable of. Set goals which will make your life better as a whole and it doesn’t have to be going to the bar every weekend.
·        Don’t like your job- change jobs or better yet get a degree or another if you have one.
·        Step out on your own- go to the movies by yourself etc. you don’t need your best bud to go with you everywhere.
·        Do something that you have always wanted to do- make goals and get rid of the things that get in the way everyday.
·        Restart your passion- if something doesn’t work, back up then go at it again.

These are something’s to create a more cognitive thought on how to change an aspect of your life. Hence “your life” so go out and do it and do it like you mean it!!

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