Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Losing weight takes concentration!

Being healthy is a lifestyle change that everyone wishes for and few actually achieve. Being healthy is a way of life for many people who want to better themselves as they become older and has depletion of many hormones that sustain their life. Many people have not achieved overall satisfaction in being healthy even the ones who practice being healthy. Why is this? How can we overcome our desire to eat junk food and not exercise? There is a simple way to achieve this by simply changing the mindset of one:

Concentration on anything makes for a better focus on what you do. People do not use this word enough. People have perceptions on life and thinking on what they want so why can’t we train our mind to think a certain way?  If we all thought about it and thought real hard how would we come up with a solution? Thinking about something will not change the reality of it unless we use judgment through our perceptions to change, correct? Cognitizing is one term we use of thought and to think of things we help our body react so try this:
  • Picture an apple; think about an apple as a whole, now think about eating the apple, just the thought will salivate your glands getting ready to eat correct? So use this to reason out why advertising is so big and marketers gear towards what is thought of when you see their advertisements.

Thinking about this is a process which most do not cognitive. The mind will only think about what it is to sustain your body. When your body is hungry it sends a hormone to your brain, when you are hurt your nerve endings send a shock to your cortex. Your mind can only process certain bodily instructions that are led by the certain organs in your body. But you have to remember that you are your mind and you have control on what you perceive things to be. So now that I have made you think further into things let’s remember some tips so we can concentrate on being healthier. I am going to put ideas in your head so you think healthier:

  • Advertisers use basic instinct to sell items to you.
  • Concentrate on what you are doing and I mean think before you act so you can react to the outcome.
  • When you think about food think about food as a thing you need not that you want. Once you feel that calories are there for you to sustain life you can choose healthier choices based on staying alive and not thinking it is your freedom to eat junk food.
  • Understand food chains want repeat customers so they will add extra ingredients so that you can remember them when watching an advertisement on television. Remember they are not thinking about your well being, they are playing off of your basic needs.
  • Healthier lifestyles are created habits. Your mind will have certain memory glands that will keep you in a routine or a habit as you would say. To keep from being in a habit you will have to focus on changing that habit. Every day try a different routine to confuse that habit so you can start to create new ones.
These are basic common sense necessities that every person can do. It just lacks focus and concentration so if we concentrate we can be better at living a healthier more promising life.

1 comment:

  1. A lifestyle that consists of a diet rich in meat and dairy products will very likely result in high cholesterol levels. This causes blockage or the arteries, and ultimately for men, erectile dysfunction. The benefits of weight loss go well beyond improving sexual function, of course. Losing weight reduces the risk of heart disease and improves insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and many other health conditions.
