Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lose Weight Instantly!! Motivational (part 1 of 3)

Yes lose it instantly!! It can happen, to lose weight instantly and I can show you how. What you need to be is to just relax and just picture a serene look over the ocean. Do I have your attention yet? No? Well as you picture what else do you see? I would say you probably see sand and clouds correct? I can get to the point here in a moment but first let’s continue to picture your perfect day at the beach with just you.

As you look around you see the house you want or maybe have and you probably see the life you want correct? A dream or reality but most important what else do you picture could it possibly be a yacht in the distance or possibly a nice cold beer next to you. Still continue to picture this immaculate view creating a warmer day with a better breeze making it an almost perfect day.  Now that you have this mental picture in your mind look down, is the body you want the same as the house or ocean you see in front of you? That answer is up to you and totally in the confines of your own decision to create that image.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Seducing the Mind ( get any women you want) Part 1 of 3

Intriguing as you might think that the stare or being flirtatious may come to you as women being interested in you, also would probably like to know that you need to intrigue the mind. Many people that I have met that I would say are not that attractive but seem to be very interesting when you talk and converse with them. Staying engaged at the simple topics they bring up and how they keep your interests. Being socially accepted by talking and creating a social environment it also is an attraction method when it comes to the opposite sex. Being able to become social puts you on the ladder of more of a Alpha as you will and the over abundance of social essence you can control. When most people tell you that you can have a beautiful woman they really do mean it.

Now with the title and what I just said I probably have your attention and not just the attention of reading but the want of knowing knowledge. The thrust of guiding someone into greatness through impressive wording and knowing the secrets. Well I am here to tell you that there is certain ways of seducing the mind of a woman and creating an utter abundance of attraction through word. It is shown that mean are perceiver of the physical realm while women also are but they also see the emotional tie or even biological tie. Women are of course different then men and so we must understand the full attraction of women where they think differently then we do.

Capability of achieving social and economic status in a way also shows another side of seduction not told to you we are not going to talk about being rich, this is for the every day gentleman who just wants to find someone who they may be physically attracted to and just doesn’t know how to or what way in which to talk to her and get to know them better. Utilizing that amazing words that come out of your mouth is a start and you haven’t even begun to understand the power of confidence, persuasion, and motivation that one person can use to of course attract the opposite sex. We are now in the third paragraph and I still haven’t touched base on what you could do to get her to notice you.

The power of your social class has a big part to do with what women find sexy and you only know this when you see it. High school of course is a great example of the attraction law and thought process on one’s opportunity to get the girl or vice versa. The QB getting the captain of the cheerleader, band geeks having crazy sex with each other ( in my school they were that way!). In this example it shows the social status is always going to be what is expected but when you are out and about with friends lets say the bar, She does not know who you are!!!!!! Let me say that again, she does not know who you are!!!! Don’t be a dummy when that was just brought to your attention. This means that you have a fresh start to show that you are the social elite status to her encumbering eyes.

This is what you need to do and this can work not only for your love life but to build friendships or your career. You use the power to lead conversation, to take control of a group and get them interested in a story or a theory that you have and how you do that is to first feel confident in controlling the group. Then when you know what to say you say it loud enough without shouting and deep enough so everyone knows the tone of the story, draw them in. Make the conversation open ended and be social as if you are running the show. Shake hands and use lots of touch, flirtatious with the girls and buddy manly touch with the guys (high fives etc.). Now when I started using this method I instantly had a girl who was gorgeous walk up to the group and in the middle of the group tell me and of course I have repeated this story numerous times:

“ Hey I don’t normally do this but I was wondering if you could take down my phone number?”

 And this is where I developed a theory because I was the center of attention because of the joke I told. The theory has been tried and tried and will work in most cases based on the completion and energy of the group and the reason why I tell you this was not only for the attraction of social status but because of energy we give off. We as human beings give off energy and if you notice it is positive or negative but others can feel it. You know when someone is happy or sad just by being by them and so part 1 of seducing the mind is just that. You get a big crowd of happy people that you are entertaining others cant help to be attracted to it!

Of course you are wanting more and if you wait next week their will be seducing the body !

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reinvent yourself

As the days become shorter you start to realize that you are letting time pass you by. A middle aged man that has been drinking his 20’s away you wake up and realize you are not where you want to be. I can tell you that everyone puts them in the position of where they want to be and nothing is by chance or luck. Do you think you would win the lottery if you have never played it ( putting yourself in the pool). The answer is no, luck has nothing to do with lottery just putting yourself in the pool of others who would like to win.
The same thing you can say about life, life is a pool of winners and losers, if you are not winning you are losing and nothing can put you where you want to be besides you. Motivation is key in the game of everything, but you have to have a strategy before you enter into the game of life. Goals are great when you tell someone or you tell yourself you will do whatever you want to do but what happens, your goals diminish after a couple of hours because you don’t prepare. Many people in life prepare for what they want to become from a basketball player who has to practice to hit the difficult shots to the stock broker who studies the charts every minute of every day to the doctor who has to go to school for 8 years plus.
If you believe that people are just found for their talent you are surely kidding yourself. Many of the actors like Kevin Spacey and other greats stood behind the amazing stars before they got a chance. You need to make a goal and a chance to be great, a chance to show the world what you are capable of. Set goals which will make your life better as a whole and it doesn’t have to be going to the bar every weekend.
·        Don’t like your job- change jobs or better yet get a degree or another if you have one.
·        Step out on your own- go to the movies by yourself etc. you don’t need your best bud to go with you everywhere.
·        Do something that you have always wanted to do- make goals and get rid of the things that get in the way everyday.
·        Restart your passion- if something doesn’t work, back up then go at it again.

These are something’s to create a more cognitive thought on how to change an aspect of your life. Hence “your life” so go out and do it and do it like you mean it!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Divine Right!! Guide to getting what you want

Needing to have physical things throughout our day we tend forget on what is really what we are all here for and that is better our lives through creating the “divine right”. What is Divine right you ask? It is something I would to call creating a god like structure through respecting your mind, body and spirit. I don’t believe we can ever be perfect but think about the leaders of our world work. They are motivated by creating something that is there own as like God. They do this so meticulous, creative but they concentrate on everything that is what they create. I believe God is not a man in the sky looking after us but a higher power that motivates our body to be better everyday. A higher power that gives you tools to become better than yourself. When they say to accept Jesus in your heart, I think they got it wrong. I think Jesus was trying to explain to accept his teachings and him so you can live the lifestyle for an overall better positive life. The bible is a guide in which if we adopt the lifestyle it is to help us become a better person overall.

Now I don’t mean if you are not religious this is not for you. This concept is nothing new but it is something I am trying to adopt in my everyday routine. To do things with passion and strive to be self disciplined in my endeavors and to do things meticulously so it is done right. To be successful is to succeed at your failures, don’t give up on the things you do if they are hard. Push through the pain and it will be so much better than giving up early. If you do fail do it with pride knowing you did try your best, you will be a winner.

Divine right is a god like structured life that you try to live by. To know that you are positive and do things to the best of your ability while concentrating, that is divine right!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


So how do you become successful?  The word is a very strong word when you look at it. SUCCESS! Think about for a couple of seconds and think about what it takes to be successful and what you deem success. Money, cars or is it career, personal feats, and relationships. It took me two and a half years to figure out what I wanted, what I needed to be happy. It wasn’t girls, money and assets; it was being happy at my goals and attaining what I wanted in my life. I read through my past posts and I think that I have grown from the first part of my impatient theories and lectures on becoming this ultimate male. The reason why is because I was still waking up every morning unhappy even though I had a great night or going to work where I don’t feel adequate enough or happy to be there. So it is time to create goals and happiness in my life. I choose to be happy, I choose to win. No one else can give me the go ahead; no one else can tell me it’s my time. The only one that can tell me is me and that is all I need to motivate myself. All I need is to have the positive outlook on my goals.  What I need is me and to get up when life hits me and keeps beating me down, I will get back up and I will prevail, I will get up every morning and be as productive as I can be and to show my son that you have to work hard to get what you want. Looking for instant gratification is what we all look for when it comes to a dream, but how do you define Success. My definition is standing after every one else has fled, to lead when all others have already quit, to fight when others are knocked out. I will continue to breath and conquer when others have loss sight of the finish line. To continue to fight even though I was already knocked out, to show I am not weak but strong. It’s my time; it’s my time to show everyone they were wrong that they told lies about what I could have done in this life. I will show that I can succeed, I can do this. I am not saying that I will not fail and not fall, but what I am saying is I will get back up and continue to push to shove to drag to crawl to bleed. I will continue to get up and get up until I die, until my last breath and drop of blood has exploded out of me!!